Panchita The best of our creole food

By Franco Ranilla

Creole food defines Peruvians very well. The variety, the colours, the generosity and the combination of so many ingredients make it possible to create dishes with so much flavour.

Anticuchos are one of our favourite dishes and formerly you found them in every corner. A lady from the neighbourhood was installed with her cart at about 5 o’clock in the afternoon, the neighbours began to arrive and took over the entire corner, some ate sitting, but most standing. This dish is made from cow’s heart, but they taste like pieces of a juicy tenderloin with an incomparable barbecue flavour. And other meats can be used.

A visit and a meal at Panchita pays tribute to this traditional dish of Lima and our Creole food background.

Chef Martha Palacios, an expert in the true Creole seasoning, recommended us to start with the Panchita Piqueo, a set of the most iconic starters: Causa Rellena (a Peru classic with potato and chicken or tuna), Ocopa (a black mint based sauce), Papa Rellena (fried stuffed potatoes), Choclito a la Huancaína (a maize/sweetcorn dish), Tamalito Verde (a corn dish), Anticuchitos (meat on a skewer) and Chicharrón (pork cracklings).

They were all absolutely amazing! To follow tradition we ordered a classic Pisco Sour and a Golden Berry Sour.

As main dishes we chose the famous Stuffed Rocoto (a very hot pepper) and Octopus Anticuchero. Rocoto Relleno is similar to a lasagna, with the difference of the spicy touch that rocoto contributes. Both of them were exquisite.

To end the creole journey, we ordered some Picarones (Peruvian donuts) accompanied with honey, one of my favourite Peruvian desserts. They are made of sweet potato and squash, crispy outside and fluffy inside.

I recommend getting punctual to the reservation as the restaurant fills up quickly. The atmosphere is quite rustic, wear something semi casual.

Expect to pay 120 soles (about 35 US dollars) per person for a full meal (drinks included), portions are quite generous, so you can share.


Calle 2 de Mayo 298, Miraflores, Lima

+51 1 242-5957

(Walking distance from Parque Kennedy)

Opening hours:

Monday 12.00 – 23.00

Tuesday – Saturday 12.00 – 0.00

Sunday 12.00 – 18.00

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