Caramelised Red Onion and Spinach Frittata

This is a beautiful dish for a summers day, the word frittata roughly translates as fried in Italian. Traditionally they are cooked slowly.

2 Maris Piper Potatoes

3 Free Range Eggs

100g Wilted Spinach

2 tbsp Onion Marmalade

15g Salted Butter

50g Tallegio cheese

1 tbsp Whole Milk

For the garlic start by crushing the bulb into cloves but leave the skin on. Take a piece of tin foil about the size of an A4 piece of paper and lay it flat on the table, place garlic right of centre and drizzle with olive oil, fold foil over and bring edges in to create a tight parcel. Place into the over at 180c for 20 mins, if the parcel is tight enough the garlic will kind of smoke and steam at the same time.

Score Camembert and place in a large baking tray, stuff with rosemary, garlic and tomatoes, place bread in tray and drizzle with balsamic. Bake for 8mins at 180c.

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