Forget the German or the Mexican – Ethiopian is just mouth watering

By Karl Wilder

Milwaukee was founded by Germans, I live in Germany and I don’t go searching the world for German food.

But while looking for that wonderful, and perhaps legendary, Chinese or Mexican place that will prove paradise, I happened upon Ethiopian Cottage.

I am so fortunate that I did.

When we talk about the world’s great cuisines we speak of French, Italian, maybe Lebanese but Ethiopia deserves a place in that discussion.

Although much of the food is braised and stewed, the spices and seasonings used bring the mundane to the level of the exquisite.

A majority of the food is served on Injera a bread made from Teff. For the uninitiated including me, Teff is a gain which comes in a variety of colours and is native to Ethiopia and Eritrea. It comprises the stable grain of their cuisine.

The sour tangy taste of the bread is an important component. You tear off bits of the bread to grab the food and the combination is intoxicating. Imagine lamb cooked with ginger, onion, turmeric and a few other hidden seasonings tingling on your tongue with the tang of the bread. Then take a bite of collard greens, taste the true taste of the vegetable, not obscured by smoked pork and enjoy the soft tangy bread wrapped around the collards and teasing your tongue.

And that is the experience at Ethiopian Cottage.

Food is in large portions and meant to be eaten communally. A platter for one, easily feeds two. A platter for two or more I can imagine would feed a family.

Expect to pay 10 to 25 US $ per person – but don’t forget to add around 25 per cent for sales tax and tip.

Ethiopian Cottage


Tue – Thu: 11:30am – 2:00pm

Tue-Thurs 5:00pm-9:00pm

Sat: 1:00pm – 10:00pm
Sun: 1:00 pm – 9:00pm

Monday: Closed

Tel. (414) 224-5226
E-mail: [email protected]
Address: 1824 N. Farwell Ave.
Milwaukee, WI 53202

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